@ San Francisco Crossfit

The writing exercise-week 2

Luis Barbosa


New week, another writing exercise.

For those of you who don’t know me, I’ve been a Crossfit athlete for about 2 years and a half and a huge fan of the sport. N14 Crossfit in Braga is where I exercise 3 times a week, but most importantly, it’s where I feel a part of a community that supports each other, much different from the common gym atmosphere.

Btw don’t refer to a Crossfit space as a gym, our training ground name is Box.😄

In my experience, there’s a lot of misunderstanding about what Crossfit is, and I find myself most of the time explaining that it’s not all about weightlifting. In fact, weightlifting is a tiny part of the overall training.

“The CrossFit Pyramid Explained,” https://www.crossfithippo.com/2017/12/crossfit-pyramid-explained/

The Crossfit Games

As a sport, Crossfit has grown immensely in the last decade in terms of affiliated gyms and athletes. The pinnacle of this sport is “the Games”.

Crossfit Games are held annually and gather the elite for 3 days of extreme workouts. You can watch this year’s events (12 total) on Youtube.

Get ready to be amazed about the full extension of the human body power.

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, this year competition had a different format. The first stage took place online where each athlete supervised by an official judge exhibited worldwide his/her performance.

Then the best 5 men and women, rallied for an in-person final in California, at the roots of Crossfit Games, the Ranch.

To me, Crossfit Games are the closest things that we have to the classic Olympics, and Crossfit champs true superheroes. During 3 days, both women and men are put to the test in diverse exercises, from running to swimming, strength and agility challenges, and gymnastics, defying human limits.

Take into example the last event of this year's Games:

For Time:
1-mile run (1600 mt)
100 handstand push-ups
200 single-leg squats (pistols)
300 pull-ups
1-mile run

Women with 14-lb. (6 kg) vest // Men with 20-lb. (9kg) vest

And take into account that the athletes did this one after a weekend full of very demanding workouts. True superheroes, as I said before.

If you feel curious about this sport and want to give it a shot, I’m sure you’ll find a Crossfit affiliate near to you. I’ve visited different Boxes, and the same methodology and spirit are present everywhere. If you ever visit Braga and want to try it out, drop me a message 👍

Feel free to leave your comments about this text and what I can improve to be a better writer. I’m sure things like wording, grammar, and text formating are miles away from perfect.



Luis Barbosa

Family guy, father of two beautiful boys and a dog 👶. Crossfit for health🏋️. Food and Travels are also two passions. I am a #tech and a #startup enthusiast!